Wednesday, January 24, 2007


My birthday was yesterday. I had a pretty good day, but I've realized that after your 21st or 18th or whatever the last big one was, they just become kind of mundane. My last big one was 16 when I could finally drive. Since I don't smoke or drink 18 and 21 didn't really seem any more significant to me than all of the ones before. The only thing that really hit me on the 21st was that I am an adult now. I think I realized that when you turn 21 people kind of expect a little more of you than they did before. But still, nothing grand or memorable. This year, my 23, my parents took us out to dinner and got me a gift, but we went out with them last Saturday. Then, since Jesse had a basketball game last night we went out to a nice dinner Monday night. He got me a beautiful necklace, but it was two weeks ago, I was there and picked it out, and I used some of my allowance for it since we're on a tight budget this semester. Then (and don't get me wrong I love Jesse and I know he didn't see anything wrong with this) I called him at lunch yesterday to say hi and he asked me if I would stop at the store and pick up my cake since I was out already. I did a puzzle when I got home from lunch with my mom, watched Ellen, and went for coffee with a friend before Jesse's game. That's it! Nothing big, or especially memorable, just another day and I'm one number older now. The only thing I'll remember next year from this was when Jesse sang Happy Birthday to me with Abel next to him cocking his head. Anyway, I don't know why I just realized that Birthdays aren't what they once were, but for some reason it really got to me this time. I was thinking about it, and I decided that the next time my birthday will really be something special again is when my kids are old enough to say Happy Birthday to me, or make me a special gift. I guess that's something to look forward too huh.


Sherry said...

got your message. yippee-kai-yai-yeah;). Can't wait

Sherry said...

like the new look, did you like the movie?

Sherry said...

ps...time for a new post:)

Sherry said...

still waiting on that post...