Tuesday, January 16, 2007

It's Going to be So Much Fun

So, I had my first class today. This is the class that I have with the professor that will be observing us while we teach, and with us throughout the semester. After class I was so relieved. Again, I don't think I was worried because of the work load or how I would do, I was just worried because I didn't know what to expect. We have this class for four hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays and after that four hours I was so excited for the rest of the semester. I had all of my questions answered, and I noticed that there were other people there who were more nervous and far less prepared than me. I know it's sick, but that always makes me feel better.

Anyway I found out that I am going to be student teaching in a first grade classroom at Mary Blair in Loveland. Go figure, that is just two blocks away from where Jesse and I lived last year ( I could have WALKED and now I will be driving 20 miles to get there.) Oh well. It is so great to finally know where I am going to be. I think that first grade should be fun. It's a little younger than I was hoping for, but I'll deal. I was kind of hoping for a break from younger kids after the preschool. Maybe I'll go for sixth grade next semester. This next five weeks should be good. I have enough extra time in my schedule that I will be able to get all of my work done, and I should have time to sign up for another independent study course and still have time to watch general hospital on Tuesdays and Thursdays (shhhh, don't tell Jesse.)

1 comment:

Sherry said...

I knew you'd be great. That's hilarious it's at Mary Blair...at least you can stop at Loveland Coffee Co...:)