Thursday, February 01, 2007

Ever Need a Good Bowl of Ice Cream?

Well yesterday was just one of those days. First I was almost late to class because I got stopped by a train, and after it had passed it changed its mind and started backing up. Then in that class we were assigned dates for our first lesson presentation (at UNC still) and I was excited because he assigned date alphabetically from the role sheet. Ever since I got married I've been last on every role sheet which I'm usually not thrilled about, but this time I was. Then he said that he was going to do it reverse order because everyone else starts at the beginning. Great!! Now I have to go first. Then I found out that one of my independent study classes was sent in a little to late. Mostly my fault and I feel like an idiot, but now I'm going to have to pay for the class again to get the grade. I had a lot of homework, and then Jesse kicked my butt at a video game. (I should expect nothing less, but this time I was a little put off.) Anyway after all this all I wanted was a good bowl of ice cream. So I sat down to finish my homework, got a carton of ice cream, and ended up eating the whole thing. I let Abel lick out the carton and I wanted to show the pictures because the faces that he makes show the progression of how I felt before, during, and after the ice cream.


Sherry said...

That's too funny. Abel looks huge! When you're here, I say we'll have to make quite a few Ben & Jerry's runs just for fun.

Nova706 said...

hey, you need to get your yahoo Instant Messenger working so that we can chat together when you get on! I am always chatting with mom and dad and sometimes even michelle (crazy I know), but I never get to chat with you and it is so much easier than calling cause my computer works in my dorm unlike my phone (i don't even call the parents except rare occasions). So if you want to get IM, just get a yahoo mail account and then (don't download yahoo IM) Go to google and search for trillian. It is by Cruellian Software and is really cool because it doesn't have spyware or anything, it is free, fast, and combines msn messenger, yahoo messenger, and aol messenger. So you should do that, and if you need help just email me or give me a call!

Sherry said...'s been a week...time for a new one:) Just kidding, I like giving you a hard time about it. Thanks for the picture frame! It's perfect-we're getting a family pic and an individual of the kids in the next month or so...perfect timing.