Monday, May 18, 2009

Mommy & Me @ the Cozy Cow Dairy

We have started a mommy & me group at my church.  There are about five moms so far, and we all meet every other Monday for some socializing for us and the kiddos.  Today we went to a dairy in Windsor to watch the cows being milked and pet the calves and goats.  The kids all had a great time! It was pretty fun, even for a 9 month old.  I stood her up on the gate and she reached out right away to pet one of the calves. She loved the calves.  She was also a big fan of the goats who were trying to eat her shoe laces.  She actually started whining when I pulled her away from them.  After seeing the milking process though, I have to say that it might be a while before I drink milk again.  Something about it just rubbed me the wrong way (maybe it's because I'm a nursing mom, I don't know.)


Stacia said...

I completely agree about drinking milk. And I didn't drink that much milk to start with :)

Sherry said...

We went to the farm the other day too, they were milking a goat...I felt pity on the poor thing.

Love the pictures...gotta be honest though, makes me a little sad, we're supposed to be there too...

oh well, only a few more weeks :)