Sunday, February 11, 2007

Day One

So, Friday was my first day at the elementary school. We have to go in for a couple of hours every Friday for three weeks before we start going full time. I hadn't heard from my partner teacher and I was kinda worried about it because I didn't know if she had gotten my messages. Anyway, She met me at the door to her room and she was so nice. She introduced me right away to the student that I am going to be working on reading with. We read for a little while, I got to help give a spelling test, and got to observe the kids some. Then she had me introduce myself to the class. It was so fun. I'm in a first grade classroom so instead of giving them a speech I just told them a little about myself and then asked what they wanted to know. I got all "what's you favorite...?" questions. I had to think of favorite things I had never thought of before like my favorite letter, and my favorite fossil. I didn't get to talk to my partner teacher very much because it was in the middle of the morning, but what we did talk about was so encouraging. She knows exactly what the student teacher program is like so she knows what I need to do this semester. She also made a point of telling me that she wanted to make sure that I got a lot of teaching and interaction time in rather than grading papers and doing bulletin boards. I am soooo excited!! Can't wait to start teaching.


Sherry said...

that's so exciting! I'm glad she's easy to work with, I'm sure it makes you feel much more at ease. We're trying to figure out a way to come out in late march-early April for a visit, but I'm not sure if it will work or not, I'll keep you posted.

Sherry said...

time for the next post:). did you catch amazing race?