So just a quick update about the ultrasound today. Very good news... she is about 5 lbs. 13 oz. right now which I guess is in the 50%. The doctor thinks she should be around 71/2 -8 lbs. full term!!!!! I was sooo relieved to hear that. I think I could probably handle delivering a 71/2 lb. baby naturally, we'll see. Also, there is no extra amniotic fluid, everything looks great. He remeasured me this time and I measured between 35 and 36 weeks, which is what I am. I am wondering if her and I just had a huge growth spurt because I have only gained one lb. since my last appointment. It seems like the weight gain has been slowing down a lot lately. Other good news as well- drum roll please- she has hair!!! For those of you who don't know Jesse was practically bald until he was four. I can't believe she could see that in the ultrasound, but she showed us and sure enough. She said there was no telling how much, but it's there. Yes! And we had the tech double check, she is definately still a girl.
She's relieved too. I imagine her wiping her brow and saying, "phew!"