Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Yep, That's Our Kid!!

So, after almost a year of anticipating when I might be able to make this announcement: I am happy to introduce to you, baby. As it seems, we Williams don't like to keep secrets for very long. And so while this might seem to soon to be announcing this type of news, I think I'm just going to go ahead and spill the beans so we won't have to worry about it anymore, plus I'm pretty excited. After four positive at home pregnancy test results on Thanksgiving day we are thrilled to finally be expecting.

We went in for our first visit to the doctor today and we have a healthy baby on the way. We were able to see the heart beating during the ultrasound, and it was probably one of the most incredible things I've ever seen. Honestly, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I would still be wondering if I could really be pregnant.

Anyway, I'm six weeks along right now and my due date is set for August 4th... although I'm wondering who even actually delivers on their due date, and why did we spent ten minutes in the office with the doctor trying to figure out the exact date? I'm feeling great so far. I haven't had any morning sickness or anything, just a little tired.

As for answers to some anticipated questions:

  • Will we be finding out if the baby is a boy or a girl? Uh, yes for sure! How else am I going to decorate? I have some great ideas but they're a little gender specific.
  • Do we have any names picked out? We have agreed on a couple of names, which I am not going to reveal at this time. I can however assure everyone that they are not Octavius or Fingus as suggested by Jesse.
  • Are we ready to be parents? No, even after seven months of trying for this, we are still not ready. Jesse has some worries of his own, and while I might say that I've had all the experience in childcare that I will ever need to raise a kid I find myself remembering a lot of parenting "what not to do's" and very few "what to do's."
  • Do I realize that I am going to be at my biggest during the hottest month of the year, and miserable? Yes I do! We'll see how that goes.


Janaque said...

So, it's officially out????
I'm soooo excited for you!!! :)
Bring the picture on Sunday!! I want to see baby Wills!

Sherry said...

I think "it" looks like Jesse:). Honestly though-you will be a natural, I know this for certain. Congrats once again!!

Sherry said...

hola. Just wanted to let you know I tagged you for 12 random Christmas facts:) I know I did a similar thing last year, but I always like hearing what you have to say. Plus, you gotta get some practice before this babe comes...it's going to be the official baby update site:)...and you'll have to post at least 4 times a week...even though we are back and I see you more...I still want to see pics, videos, milestones, etc.:)

lucas d said...

i like octavius. maybe you should give it some more consideration.