Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Trying to keep my head above water.  That's pretty much how I feel right now.  Aydin's been sick for the past three weeks from pink-eye, to a head cold, to the flu.  Jesse and I have been sick. Abel too.  We put a bid on a house yesterday.  We were supposed to find out today if we got it. Today was crazy. Couldn't sleep last night... anticipating the call ... 4 chickens dead in their new "predator proof" pen this morning... crying, apologizing to them, cleaning up the mess... trying to work... Aydin's throwing up... all over... forget work... extra cuddle time with a sick baby, mmmm... Abe to the vet (with Aydin in tow) ahhh... Aydin's throwing up again... ALL OVER... cleaning the couch cushions ("crap is that bleach or couch cleaning solution in that bottle?  We'll know soon enough")... yada, yada, yada... more throwing up... lost the bid... whatever... exhausted!

After a day like today this is what can still make me smile:

Monday, May 18, 2009

Mommy & Me @ the Cozy Cow Dairy

We have started a mommy & me group at my church.  There are about five moms so far, and we all meet every other Monday for some socializing for us and the kiddos.  Today we went to a dairy in Windsor to watch the cows being milked and pet the calves and goats.  The kids all had a great time! It was pretty fun, even for a 9 month old.  I stood her up on the gate and she reached out right away to pet one of the calves. She loved the calves.  She was also a big fan of the goats who were trying to eat her shoe laces.  She actually started whining when I pulled her away from them.  After seeing the milking process though, I have to say that it might be a while before I drink milk again.  Something about it just rubbed me the wrong way (maybe it's because I'm a nursing mom, I don't know.)