Monday, July 09, 2007

Been A Long Time

I know it has been a long time since the last time I posted so here's an update. I have started and am halfway through two of the five summer classes that I signed up for. Not doing so great considering that I only have 1 month left, but we'll see how it goes. In fact I should be doing homework right now instead of posting, but oh well. I still haven't heard where I will be student teaching next semester, and I'm getting a little worried, but this is how it was last semester so I'll just see what happens.

I have been working at the country club for four weeks now, and while I would rather not be working right now I have to say that this job is pretty great. Today we had 3 kids, sipped iced tea all day, decorated paddle balls, and spent two hours tanning and chatting (while watching the kids of course.) We usually have more kids, but even then it's not too bad.

We got a new dog a week ago too. At first when we got him home we were thinking we might have made a mistake (we even considered taking him back,) but now he is really growing on us. He is a lot smaller than Abe (even though he is supposedly the same breed) and he is such a friendly dog. He came with the name Moe, but we had a hard time agreeing on an official name for him. Jesse liked Moe or Moses, but I thought he looked too pretty for a name like Moses. I like the name Jack. We had a bunch of friends out for a b.b.q. the other night and asked them to weigh in on the name thing. After trying out Larry, Fred, Jack, Moe, Moses, Axel, and others for a while we finally settled on Jack. Here are some pictures of him and Abel.


Sherry said...

those pictures are great. they seriously are going to be the best of friends. Jack looks a little like Mylee in that first picture. Had a great time this weekend. If you need to get away...we've got a great spot for homework:). Just kidding. but for reals though:)

Sherry said...

keep posting...even if you only talk about the chickens, the ducks, the gardens...anything. :)

Anna said...

Jack is ah-dorable.

Sherry said...

been a long time since you've posted....:)