Saturday, July 21, 2007

Our Canoe

Well, Jesse has been talking about buying a canoe all summer. He thought it would be fun to get a canoe and go camping at different lakes for our vacation this summer. We looked on Craigslist, but we couldn't find one that we liked. We found a store in Fort Collins that sold canoes, and when we got there we found out that they were having a huge closing sale. So, we found a great canoe for 30% off!!! I love sales!

Anyway, we took the dogs out on it that evening to see how they would do, and they loved it. Jack would lean his head over the edge and lap up the lake water. Abel just chilled. The only problem we had was that Abel was so big that whenever he moved, Jesse would have to shift around so that the canoe wouldn't tip over. (We didn't get any pictures though; we didn't want to take the digital camera out in case we tipped. We're going to get a waterproof camera and try to get some pictures of the dogs on our vacation. )

On our way home there was another car with a canoe on top driving behind us. You know how bikers have that cool biker wave that they do whenever they pass each other? Well canoe people have a wave too. This was passing us and we looked over because he had slowed down to our speed, and he was doing this totally cheesy wave with the biggest smile on his face. We felt privileged to be included in the canoe club, but the wave is so lame. ( : Here is a picture of us doing the canoe wave, Jesse is way better at it than I am.

1 comment:

Sherry said...

How fun!!! You're going to have a great vacation! See you soon!